SAIY is committed to handling client complaints in a timely and fair manner and has implemented systems and procedures to satisfy this commitment.

This document has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 37 of 2002 and the General Code of Conduct for Authorised Financial Services Providers and Representatives issued thereunder (“FAIS”), as well as the principles embodied in the “Treating Clients Fairly” (“TCF”) initiative published by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority.


Our commitment is to provide excellent service to our clients.

All complaints are taken seriously, and we aim to resolve complaints to the satisfaction of our clients wherever possible.


This document applies to both SAIY Asset Management FSP#50867 and SAIY Financial Group (FSP#53029) as regulated financial services providers but is applicable to any complaint across the larger group.

Any client may lodge a complaint in the manner described in this document.


For the purposes of this document a “complaint” means a specific complaint relating to a financial service rendered by SAIY or any of its representatives to the complainant.

The complainant must allege in the complaint that:

SAIY, or its representative, has contravened or failed to comply with an agreement, legislation or code of conduct which is binding on SAIY or to which it subscribes; or
SAIY’s, or its representative’s, maladministration or wilful or negligent action or failure to act, has caused the person harm, prejudice, distress or substantial inconvenience; or
SAIY or its representative has treated the complainant unfairly.

Complaints which do not satisfy the above definition, while always taken very seriously, will not necessarily follow the procedure outlined in this document.


Clients may lay a complaint by telephone, however, to ensure that all complaints are properly understood and speedily dealt with, clients are urged to submit complaints, where possible, in
writing (via email).

- Email:
- Phone: 021 020 1900

The complaint must contain all relevant information and copies of relevant documentation must be attached to the written complaint.

SAIY will confirm receipt of a complaint to the complainant within 48 hours of receipt. SAIY will also endeavour to provide the complainant with a time frame within which it is likely to complete its investigation of the complaint but, depending on the complexity of the complaint, this may not always be possible.


SAIY will endeavour to resolve all complaints received in a timely and fair manner.

Where a complaint is resolved in favour of the complainant, a full and appropriate level of redress will be offered in writing as soon as possible.

Where a complaint has not been resolved in favour of the complainant within six weeks of receipt of the complaint, SAIY will send a communication to the complainant providing clear and adequate reasons, advising the client:

that the complaint may be referred to the FAIS Ombud or other relevant adjudicator if the complainant wishes to pursue the complaint, together with the contact details of such
adjudicator; and
that it should be done within 6 months of receipt of such notification.

SAIY will keep clients informed of the progress of their complaints, potential delays, revised timelines and any decisions taken by SAIY in response to the complaint.

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